Educational Categories
- Stormwater Management 210
- Pond Management 59
- Dredging Grading & Excavating 24
- Erosion Repair 22
- Wetland Restoration & Aquatic Planting 21
- Invasive & Nuisance Vegetation 16
- Bioretention Services 14
- Turn-Key Compliance Services 10
- Underground Systems & Vac-Truck Services 10
- Pipe & Riser Repair 7
- Sand Filter Services 4

Dredging Contractor Revives Charlotte Pond
Dragonfly Pond Works provided our low-impact, cost-effective dredging contractor services to restore this Charlotte community pond.

Hydraulic Dredging In Lake and Pond Maintenance
Dragonfly Pond Works is able to utilize low-impact hydraulic dredging in lake and pond maintenance to minimize disturbances to the body of water and surrounding area.