Educational Categories
- Stormwater Management 210
- Pond Management 59
- Dredging Grading & Excavating 24
- Erosion Repair 22
- Wetland Restoration & Aquatic Planting 21
- Invasive & Nuisance Vegetation 16
- Bioretention Services 14
- Turn-Key Compliance Services 10
- Underground Systems & Vac-Truck Services 10
- Pipe & Riser Repair 7
- Sand Filter Services 4

Durham Stormwater Wetland: 11,000 Aquatic Plants Installed by Team Dragonfly
Stormwater wetland in Durham is planted with 11,000 plants by Team Dragonfly; Mark, Pablo, Mike, and Mickey. See our process and learn about the importance of stormwater maintenance in turning this into a flourishing ecosystem.

Stormwater Wetlands 101
Stormwater wetlands are an effective stormwater control measure, however they can be misunderstood. They maximize beauty, habitat, and pollutant filtration. Learn more about these great systems!

Subsurface Gravel Wetland: Stormwater Management Innovation
Learn about the first subsurface gravel wetland in North Carolina stormwater management, constructed by Dragonfly Pond Works and designed by NC State.

North Carolina Pond Management: System Conversion
See our process of converting a non-functioning bioretention into a thriving constructed wetland.

Constructed Wetland in Stormwater Management
A constructed wetland can be a highly effective stormwater system. See our creation of an innovative 6-acre system in Morrisville, North Carolina.