Invasive Vegetation: Raleigh Cattail Removal

Invasive Vegetation can clog stormwater systems and prevent them from functioning properly. Algae are an obvious issue that would lead to an assessment from a specialized maintenance pond contractor. Invasive vegetation such as cattails are a less obvious issue to property owners and managers. There is debate on whether cattails are good or bad in stormwater pond management, the answer often lies in local requirements and the type of pond. Specialized pond maintenance contractors can assess your specific situation and maintain your stormwater system effectively. Unfortunately, many stormwater systems are maintained by crews that do not have the experience or knowledge to properly manage invasive vegetation and beneficial aquatic plants.

Pond overgrown and clogged by invasive vegetation.

Example of a pond suffering from invasive vegetation, cattails.

Our specialized stormwater maintenance crews have encountered a variety of ponds that were being managed by non-specialized crews. Some of the issues created by inexperienced crews include beneficial aquatic plants being cut or removed, invasive vegetation being allowed to thrive or not being removed properly, and mowing practices that have made the shoreline vulnerable to erosion.

Raleigh Dry Pond Restored

We recently assessed a stormwater dry pond in a Research Triangle Park community that was suffering from this very issue. The new community owner received notice that the dry pond was behind inspection. The previous owner had utilized the community's maintenance crew to maintain the dry pond. The maintenance crew regularly mowed the entire dry pond, including the base. The crew also trimmed cattails while leaving the stalk and roots intact. This actually helped the cattails grow and multiply, which clogged the system.

Dry stormwater pond prior to the invasive vegetation removal.

Invasive Vegetation: Before Cattail Removal

Dragonfly's stormwater specialists process of removing the cattails clogging the system.

Invasive Vegetation: Cattail Removal Process

Our specialized stormwater crew pulled out all of the cattails that were suffocating beneficial plants and clogging the system. They mowed the area around the plants, not through the whole basin.

Outlet pipe surrounded by cattails, an invasive vegetation.

Invasive Vegetation: Before

Outlet pipe following Dragonfly's removal of the invasive cattails.

Invasive Vegetation: After

The team also removed vegetation around the outlet pipe It is important that inlet and outlet pipes are clear of vegetation and debris to promote adequate flow of water.

Inlet pipe in the stormwater system with excess vegetation and missing riprap.

Invasive Vegetation: Before

Inlet pipe following Dragonfly's removal of the vegetation and restoration of the riprap.

Invasive Vegetation: After

The crew then cleared vegetation from the inlet pipe and restored the missing and disturbed riprap. Riprap is loose stone or rock that helps prevent erosion.

The Raleigh area dry pond is now a functioning, healthy stormwater system. Proper stormwater maintenance will keep it this way. The issues plaguing this pond were all aspects a maintenance pond contractor would have prevented. This example is why it is so important to utilize crews with the right knowledge and experience. This keeps stormwater systems working as intended and avoids excess costs in restoration and fines. Please contact us with any questions regarding invasive vegetation and to discuss how we can help you create a healthy and compliant space.

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Invasive Vegetation Control and More!

From Maryland to Florida, Dragonfly Pond Works serves clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, including corporate, commercial, and public accounts, residential customers, and homeowner associations. We provide lake and pond stormwater maintenance services throughout North Carolina, in Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Charlotte, and Wilmington. Our pond and lake maintenance services can also be found throughout Florida, in Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Naples, Sarasota, Orlando, and Fort Myers. We also provide services in Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Columbia, South Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia; in addition to services in Virginia and Maryland. We strive to develop long-term relationships based on quality work, timely service, cost efficiency, and of course, trust. Please contact us if you would like to learn how we can help you create a beautiful space and sanctuary.


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