Dance of the Dragonfly-The Pond Warrior

Pond Warrior: The Dragonfly

We love the dragonfly because it is such a unique and powerful creature, and represents our company well. It is exciting to see a great story about the dragonfly in the recent news! Did you know that dragonflies migrate?

Dragonflies migrating through Lowcountry

"The most lethal predator in the animal world is migrating by the thousands through the Lowcountry and the region right now — and you likely don’t pay it much mind.

The dragonfly is so precise, it kills nearly everything it attacks. It’s so canny, it knows how to separate prey like a lion, feinting after one to close in on another. It’s so vicious that it mates by sticking stingers into the head of the female.

Yep, the dragonfly. That rainbow-colored, four-winged flitterer rivals the butterfly in its mysteries and exceeds it in abilities. Yet the dragonfly is generally so overlooked that few people realize that the common green darner and a handful of other species do migrate. They move much like the monarch butterfly, whose annual swarm to Caribbean lands is waited for and watched all along the coast."

Find the full article here: Dance of the Dragonfly


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