Dam Repairs

We were asked to survey a site in a Greensboro, NC subdivision that had a beaver dam obstructing an emergency spillway.  Emergency spillways are devices used to carry runoff in times of floods or sudden, heavy rains. Unfortunately, the beavers were very successful in creating a solid wall that had resulted in the water continually topping the dam.   Removing the beaver dam allowed the pond to  drain down to normal levels so that the full scope of the work could be assessed.

1 Exposed Riser

Because the dam had been in place for a while, after surveying the area we determined that it became necessary to excavate and reshape the emergency spillway and remove debris from the riser.  The shape and design of the spillway had been altered due to beaver debris forcing water to encroach upon the shoreline, thereby creating "rills" - a situation when water breaks soil particles free and drives them down a slope, causing a narrow channels to form.  Once excavated, the riser was exposed and repaired to its original specifications.  We then re-landscaped the edge of the pond and provided soil stabilization with matting and riprap.

1 Grading
1 Risre after cleanup
1 Dam & Spillway

Nutrient-rich soil removed from the area was neatly redistributed into the wooded area to create as little disturbance to the surrounding landscape as possible. All disturbed areas were seeded and mulched to establish the necessary ground cover. As of today, the spillway and pond are now functioning as intended and designed.

About Dragonfly Pond Management

Dragonfly Pond Works helps clients discover their sanctuary. We are an environmental services company that customizes water beautification solutions, creating natural pond, lake, and wetland refuges for residents, property owners, and community members to enjoy. Our practices work in harmony with nature, but also within your budget.

As experienced specialists in pond and lake management, our designs transform retention ponds, sand filters, stormwater basins, underground detention facilities, and other types of aquatic systems into healthy and integrated waterscapes.

From Maryland to Florida, Dragonfly Pond Works serves clients throughout the mid-Atlantic region, including corporate, commercial, and public accounts, residential customers, and homeowner associations. We strive to develop long-term relationships based on quality work, timely service, cost efficiency, and of course, trust.


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