Charlotte Community Fun & Education with Dragonfly Pond Works
The Charlotte Dragonfly Pond Works’ Team recently completed a fun, educational event with local children and their parents during a fish installation for the community’s stormwater retention pond. The fish were being stocked in the retention pond as part of the community’s stormwater management program.
Client Service Manager, Nate, explains the role fish play in a stormwater retention pond.
Dragonfly Charlotte Client Service Manager, Nate, and Regional Maintenance Manager, Devin, invited the community to participate in the stocking of grass carp and mosquitofish. Approximately 40 children and their parents learned about the fish, the environmental roles they play, and helped to release them into the community pond. The children were also shown how the fish need to be acclimated to the pond water prior to release. For extra fun, Team Dragonfly provided treats like gummy worms, gummy fish, and Goldfish crackers.
Grass Carp (Photo Credit: istock/wrangel)
Utilizing Fish in Stormwater Management
Dragonfly Pond Works offers fish stocking as a biological control measure to help control and eliminate invasive and nuisance vegetation in ponds and stormwater systems. A biological control measure is a process of controlling one living organism with another living organism. Our specialized stormwater maintenance experts may recommend this natural method as part of a comprehensive maintenance program. The Dragonfly stormwater maintenance specialists specifically recommend sterile grass carp.
Benefits of Grass Carp:
They are sterile- It is easy to control the population; they will not overtake the pond
They will eat almost all submerged vegetation
Typical lifespan is 5-7 years- Can help provide aquatic vegetation control during their entire lifespan
Utilizing larger carp decreases threat from predators and helps keep the fish population stable
Natural, cost-effective, and longer lifespan than typical treatments
Mosquito fish were also stocked in the Charlotte community pond. The mosquitofish eat mosquito larvae, helping control mosquito populations in the community. Additionally, they also provide the function of being bait for larger fish in the pond.
Grass carp are being acclimated to the water before release.
Our stormwater specialists, Nate and Devin, had a wonderful time interacting with the community providing fun, environmental education. We are thankful to have such incredible community partners. Team Dragonfly is here to help if you need a specialized stormwater maintenance program. Our stormwater management experts will work with you to create a customized plan focused on system health and compliance. Contact us today to discuss your unique stormwater needs.
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Dragonfly Pond Works provides specialized stormwater maintenance, stormwater compliance repairs, and more in Raleigh, Durham, Charlotte, Wilmington, North Carolina, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Columbia, South Carolina, Tampa, Sarasota, Naples, St. Petersburg, Fort Myers, Florida, and Atlanta, Athens, and Savannah, Georgia.