Beneficial Bacteria

Algae and pond muck can become a big problem as the weather gets warmer. Many people look for easy solutions for clearer, cleaner ponds. While there are a variety of ways to address pond water clarity and health, using beneficial bacteria is one of the most safe and effective options. Beneficial bacteria naturally occur in ponds and lakes. The organisms help fight off harmful bacteria and also consume pollutants that negatively impact water clarity and quality. Unfortunately, these bacteria are slow to reproduce and can be thrown out of balance when exposed to pollutants.

The good news is that it is now possible to add this good bacteria to ponds and lakes. Scientists have been able to grow and safely reproduce the organisms so that they can be purchased and used for our benefit. By regularly adding the bacteria, water quality and clarity will increase, pond muck can be eliminated, and the use of chemicals such as algaecides can be minimized or eliminated. It's like an immune system boost for your pond!


Spring Algae Production


The Hub Farm-Durham Public Schools